Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program
Adult PRP services are available to those individuals who are 18 years of age and older, who are receiving mental health services from a physician or licensed clinician, who have or are eligible for medical assistance*, and who meet criteria for a priority population mental health diagnosis**. Following a period of assessment which evaluates client strengths and preferences, individualized rehabilitation goals are implemented.
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) refers to the process of restoring community functioning and overall well-being to individuals diagnosed with a Mental Health Disorder, or those diagnosed with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability through one-on-one counseling.
PRPs are designed to cater therapeutic services based on the individual’s unique needs by meeting the individual in their environment and fostering a network of resources for an individual to utilize. PRPs provides personalized psychiatric rehabilitation services for children and adults. They operate by assigning each individual a Rehabilitation Coordinator to offer auxiliary support that assists the client in achieving desired goals.
These programs provide a range of supportive and education-based services that encourage independent living and skill building by helping individuals learn how to manage their illness.

PRPs are for individuals who may be dealing with emotional and mental hurdles on a consistent basis. These hurdles may include depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, restlessness, alcohol dependency, illiteracy or adverse moods.
- Review and become familiarized with the assigned Individual’s Rehabilitation Plan (IRP).
- Be an advocate for each individual they are assigned and make sure each individual is aware of their rights and responsibilities.
- Act as a liaison between the individual, treating medical practitioners, allied health workers, rehabilitation service providers, and/or the individual’s employer.
- Track individuals progress based on their customized treatment plans.