Targeted Case Management

Adult Targeted Case Management (TCM) provides services to individuals, who are 18 years of age and older, with mental health concerns in identifying their needs, locating appropriate community resources and helping people use those services to promote success and independence in their living, learning, working and social environments. Services are offered in multiple a combination of settings in order to best meet the needs of the client (shelters, community settings, hospitals, prisons, etc.) Following a period of assessment, individualized TCM goals are implemented.

Target Case Management can help in the following areas:

Income and Benefits: Assessing one’s income and health insurance, including entitlements and family for support and community resources.

Daily Living: Assessing levels of independence and a family’s ability to provide basic needs such as proper nutrition and clothing; then organizing and implementing a process to fill any existing gaps.

Education and Work: Working with educational and vocational supports to develop plans focused on individual’s potential and success.

Housing: Helping our clients find safe, affordable housing by linking them with subsidized programs as well as private landlords. ‍

Treatment: Link our clients and their families with available services needed to maintain good mental and physical health and stability.

We Provide Essential Services For Your Mental Health

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